Most people fancy chocolate. Chocolate is different compared to other kinds of food or sweets, as chocolate comes in a huge variety of different flavors and consistencies. Dark chocolate contains a number of ingredients that are healthy for the human body. It contains flavonoids that suppress inflammation and atherosclerosis and helps lower your blood pressure.
When I make individual diet plans for my clients who want to lose weight, I always ask them if there is anything they do NOT want to eliminate from their diet. Most of them are honest about what they really would like to have on their diet plan. A lot of clients for example do not want to have an alcohol-free life and they want to be able to drink a glass of wine maybe every other day. Other clients want to be able to eat a roll with butter and cheese on Saturday morning when they have breakfast with their family.
More of my clients need something sweet or a piece of chocolate in the evening with their coffee or tea.
Most people get really surprised when they learn that all the things mentioned above (and all other kinds of food for that matter) can be part of a healthy calorie-reduced diet plan. Of course, you cannot consume an unlimited amount of chocolate if you want to lose weight, but chocolate can be part of a healthy and varied diet and even if you want to lose weight. If your diet plan consists of the food that you normally eat but in the right portion sizes, you are more likely to have a successful weight loss. Being able to eat a piece of chocolate for your evening tea or coffee is often the one thing that makes you able to pass the other 117 times a day when you are being offered something that is not part of your diet plan.

If you want to live a healthy life and maybe lose weight too, Nupo offers a variety of products that can help you on your weight loss journey. If you fancy the taste of chocolate, Nupo has several products that have cocoa or chocolate flavor. One of the flavors of the Nupo VLCD powder in Chocolate Flavour is great for weight loss if that is your goal. The taste is really good and it gets even better if you blend it with ice cubes. It also comes in other great tastes, it is of course individual which one you prefer. Nupo VLCD is a full meal replacement and you can replace all your food with the Nupo VLCD diet. All you have to do is to shake six shakes a day and drink them. When you drink six Nupo VLCD shakes every day, your calorie intake will be lower than your calorie need and you will lose weight. Besides the six shakes, you also need to drink two liters of water a day.
Nupo also offers a series called Nupo One Meal. These products are meal replacements and you can replace up to two meals a day with one of these products. The series consists of ready-to-drink shakes, pancakes, and bars. One of the four shakes has Chocolate Flavour and it is an easy meal to bring along on busy days. Several of the bars are chocolate-covered. For example, one of the bars has an intense flavor of chocolate, and another bar is called Brownie Crunch and it has the taste of crunchy chocolate brownie. I often hear from clients that their weight loss journey is bearable because they can eat at a bar once in a while. Many people use the bars as a snack when their colleagues are having cake. If you eat half a bar, as a snack, you have only eaten 100 calories.
Health consultant, Team Nupo.