Nupo Diet

The first week on the Nupo Diet – what can you expect?

"Is this normal?"

During the first week of the Nupo Diet, it is completely normal to experience certain "side effects." The extent of these depends on your lifestyle. The symptoms or side effects you may experience are typical of all strict diets and are not specific to the Nupo Diet. Below, we have summarized the most common "side effects" of a diet. If you have other experiences or questions, don't hesitate to contact our customer service.

If you're used to consuming a lot of sugar and suddenly stop, headaches are almost inevitable as your body reacts to the reduced sugar intake. The headache is a sign that your body is not receiving the sugar it is accustomed to. However, this should subside shortly as your body adjusts to the Nupo Diet. As your sugar dependency decreases, so will your cravings for sweet foods. Be sure to drink about 300 ml of water with each of your 6 Nupo Diet products daily, plus 2-3 liters of calorie-free liquids. If necessary, you can take painkillers, but it can also be beneficial to endure the headache, knowing that your body is detoxifying.

Dizziness and Chills
If you previously consumed 2500-3000 kcal daily and suddenly reduce your intake to about 800 kcal to create a calorie deficit, your body will naturally react, which may cause dizziness or a feeling of chills. These symptoms should subside as your body adjusts. Feeling cold may persist longer, as your body uses more stored fat for energy to maintain your body temperature.

It is common to feel more tired, sleepy, and less focused during the first week of the diet. Your body is transitioning from using carbohydrates as its primary energy source to using stored fat. Once your body enters ketosis (fat burning), your energy levels will return, and you will feel more alert and energized.

Hunger is an inevitable part of drastically changing your eating habits. If you are overweight, you have likely consumed more energy than your body needs, which has expanded your stomach. When you start eating less, your stomach will "ask for more" until it adjusts, which usually happens within a week. If the hunger feels too overwhelming, you can consider taking a calorie-free supplement like Slim Boost – Fill My Tummy. Drinking water can also help. Once your body reaches ketosis, you will experience a natural reduction in hunger.

Frequent or Fewer Bathroom Visits
During the first week of the Nupo Diet, you will likely significantly reduce your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates bind water in the body—up to three times their own weight! With fewer carbohydrates, your body will release stored water, leading to frequent urination and initial weight loss. However, this is primarily water loss. Your stomach may also start to rumble more due to increased fiber intake. This can vary depending on your previous lifestyle. If you're used to fiber-rich foods, you may only notice small changes. If not, you may experience more noticeable changes in digestion.

Once your stomach adjusts to the new fiber intake, everything should normalize. Expect fewer bathroom visits overall, as liquid meals are efficiently absorbed by the body, leaving little waste.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact our customer service.

Can I mix Nupo Diet and Nupo One Meal?

We do not recommend combining the two product lines, due to differences in nutritional values.
Nupo Diet is a full meal replacement whereas One Meal is a single meal replacement, and nutritional values are there for optimized to replace one or two main meals a day, and contains all the nutrition, i.e. Proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Even though the content of calories is approximately the same, if you exchange two sachets of Nupo Diet, with a One Meal product, the nutritional values are not the same, and when dieting, covering the basic needs for nutrition is highly important, to achieve the desired results.

What is ketosis?

“The new black” amongst diets are the so-called keto-diets. A common denominator for these diets is that you consume very few carbohydrates and a larger amount of fat when compared to the official recommendations. However, what is ketosis?

A simple explanation is that ketosis is a state, in which your body gets its energy from its fat stores instead of the glycogen stores in your muscles. Normally, your body’s fuel comes from carbohydrates, which are stored in the muscles as glycogen. When you decrease/limit your carbohydrate intake, you will force your body to find an alternative energy source – in this case: stored fat. When the body begins to use the stored fat as fuel, the body will transform the fat into ketones, which it uses as fuel instead of glycogen.

If you read about keto diets, where you eat regular food with a low amount of carbohydrates, there are many different theories about how many carbohydrates, you are allowed to consume to enter the state of ketosis and maintain that state. With Nupo’s VLCD (Very Low-Calorie Diet), you get a lower amount of carbohydrates, than a normal diet – that follows the official recommendations – and therefore you will enter the state of ketosis, by using Nupo’s VLCD Diet Shakes. You will maintain the state of ketosis, by sticking to the Nupo Diet – you can use Nupo’s Diet Shakes for up to three weeks.

If you start complementing the Nupo Diet with other foods, you might not achieve the same success – to give yourself a better chance for success, you must stay strictly to the Nupo Diet. This is because, if you add other foods to your diet, you might lose the state of ketosis, even though you are still in a calorie- and carbohydrate deficit. It can be very difficult to be on a keto diet with regular foods, as it is strict regarding the food you may, and may not, eat.

With Nupo’s VLCD Diet Shakes, you get all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, and a calorie- and carbohydrate deficit, which makes it easier to maintain the state of ketosis. A positive side effect of ketosis is that it lowers your appetite, which is smart if you want to lose weight, and this is even though you are consuming fewer calories and a regular diet – it takes a couple of days on Nupo, to get to this state.

Nupo has presented three new products to their VLCD-line, which are an Oatmeal – Apple Cinnamon, and two soups: Diet Soup – Tomato and Diet Soup – Vegetable. This means that Nupo has three soups, which is great as a lunch or dinner alternative, and the Oatmeal is perfect as breakfast. Furthermore, Nupo’s classic Diet Shakes comes in five different variations: Mango Vanilla, Blueberry Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate Flavour, and Café Latte. It is important that you stick to the diet, give yourself the best preconditions for a successful weight loss, and do not complement the diet with regular foods that might affect the state of ketosis.

Can Nupo Diet-shakes and soups be mixed with hot water?

Yes, you can mix up your Nupo Diet shakes with warm water, but we advise that you enjoy them chilled.
We experience that the majority prefer that the shakes are refrigerated before they are consumed.
Our Nupo Diet Soups and Oat Meal should be mixed with cold water and then heated in the microwave or in a pot.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

I get a severe amount of air in the stomach when I eat Nupo.

The Nupo Diet and the related sachets that must be consumed six times daily contain a lot of fibers and some might experience more air in their stomach. This is perfectly normal and is only a question of your body adapting.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Can I experience headaches when I eat Nupo?

If you make sure to consume all your sachets from the Nupo Diet and drink enough liquid (2-3 liters of water every day is recommended), then it should not be something to worry about. You might experience headaches if you are accustomed to consuming big amounts of sugar, and then stop doing that while on a Nupo Diet. If a headache might occur, it should be gone within a relatively short time when the body gets used to the Nupo Diet.

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Should I eat vitamin pills, if I am on a Nupo Diet?

No, it should not be necessary to eat vitamin pills when you are on the Nupo Diet. Nupo contains all the vitamins and minerals that you and your body need daily.

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Can I settle for 4-5 sachets of Nupo and supplement with a healthy supper?

We advise that you always eat 6 Nupo-meals every day – this still applies even if you supplement with real food.

This is important to make sure for us that you get all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you need. Even though that one might think that the food you supplement with is healthy and nutritious, it is not certain that it contains everything that you and your body need. If you want to eat dinner nonetheless, we suggest that you take a sachet of Nupo Diet about half an hour before the meal. By doing this, you will make sure that you will not be as hungry and therefore less tempted to eat more of the real food.

You can read more about our Nupo Diet here.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Can I freeze my Nupo Diet-shakes?

Yes, you can freeze down your Nupo Diet-shake (short term!), for 1-2 days. Some choose to freeze down their Nupo Diet-shake for 15-30 minutes before they drink it, as to have an ice-cold and delicious shake that will have a thicker and slush ice-like consistency.

If you freeze down your shake the night before, you can bring it in the morning, and later in the day, you will have a chilled shake. You must be aware, that the thawing period can vary since it depends on the immediate temperature in the environment you are in. Some even enjoy a frozen Nupo Diet-shake as a delicious Nupo ice cream, when they are craving something sweet – in this case, you have ice cream with low-calorie content.

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Can I prepare my Nupo Diet-shakes in advance?

Yes, you can prepare your Nupo Diet shakes a day in advance so that they are ready for use immediately. They must be stored in a chilled environment just like a milk drink – we experience that the majority prefer that the shakes are refrigerated before they are consumed. Before enjoying your shake, you can to your own advantage shake it up. Bon appetite.

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Can I use Nupo if I have type 1 diabetes?

Yes, it is safe to make use of Nupo Diet Shakes which are VLCD (Very Low-Calorie Diet), if you have type 1 diabetes. It is important to note that you should consult your doctor (diabetes specialist) before you start a diet program. The reason being, that the insulin dose should be reduced first or there could be a risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). For patients in treatment that includes meal-based insulin, it is a good idea to consult a dietitian, to make the insulin dose match with the carbohydrate amount in each meal VLCD every day.

What does VLCD stand for?

VLCD stands for Very Low-Calorie Diet.

The Nupo Diet consists of 6 daily Nupo Diet Shakes, -Soups, or -Oatmeal and is a VLCD diet. The guidelines for a VLCD diet are very strict and make sure, that you as a consumer get 100% of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that you and your body need daily while keeping the number of calories low – approx. 700 calories per day.

According to the guidelines for a VLCD diet, as a complete diet replacement, it may contain between 450-800 kcal. Studies have shown that you do not lose weight quicker, by consuming less than 800 kcal per day. The Nupo Diet will provide you with approx. 700 calories that are split over 6 meals. Splitting your shakes over 6 meals will help you keep your blood sugar stable and your digestion going.

At Nupo we offer the Nupo Diet which is a VLCD diet that comes in 9 different flavors – meaning there is something for everyone.

You can read more about the Nupo Diet here or go directly to the shop and order your favorite here.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

How do I stop with the Nupo Diet when the desired weight loss is achieved?

It is an advantage for your body if you continue with the good meal pattern with 6 meals a day, that you have worked towards while following the Nupo Diet. We advise that you eat 3 main meals (morning, noon, and evening), with a focus on eating by the “plate model”, and prioritize lots of coarse vegetables and lean meat. In addition, it is recommended to have 2-3 snacks during the day, to keep your combustion active, as well as keeping your blood sugar stable. A low-calorie snack could be an egg, a handful of almonds, or a couple of carrots. You could try some of our other products such as our One Meal-products or our Protein Bites.

The One Meal series consists of an assortment of meal replacements that can you can use to replace 1-2 of your daily main meals. You can read more about the One Meal series here. Protein Bites are bars that can be used as a snack, rich in protein and fiber, and are available in 2 different flavors: Caramel Ginger and Chocolate.

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*The “plate model” is a term used to describe the recommended distribution of carbs, proteins, and fat on your dinner plate.

Will it stop my fat metabolism if I only eat Nupo?

No, consuming only Nupo products will not stop your metabolism. This is partly due to the content of different nutrients and fibers as well as the fact that you on a Nupo Diet should eat six sachets (of 32 grams) of our Nupo Diet products, every day. The numerous smaller meals throughout the day are better at maintaining your fat metabolism, rather than fewer big meals.

If you want to learn more about our Nupo Diet, you can read more about it on this page.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Will I regain all the kilos if I stop the Nupo Diet?

If you choose to go back to the same diet and the same patterns, that you were used to before the Nupo Diet – yes, you would most likely regain the kilos. Our Nupo Diet works as a kickstart, and the idea is that you should change your diet habits to retain weight loss.

In this case, our One Meal series can be a good help. The One Meal series consists of a series of bars and shakes that function as meal replacements that can be used to replace 1-2 of your daily main meals. One of our One Meal products is equal to a full main meal. If you want to learn more about our One Meal series, you can read more on this page.

In addition, it is beneficial if you calculate your fat metabolism, so you can figure out how many calories you need in your diet, compared to your level of activity.

Please contact us at, if your question was not answered.

I got ill with a fever, can I continue with my Nupo Diet?

If you are ill with e.g. fever, it can be a good idea to consult your own doctor with your use of Nupo. A doctor will be able to further evaluate if it is safe to continue with the Nupo Diet, considering you are spending extra energy on getting healthy again. Get well soon.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Can I breastfeed while on a Nupo Diet?

It is not recommended to be on a Nupo Diet while breastfeeding. We suggest that you consult your doctor if you wish to continue a Nupo Diet while breastfeeding.

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I received prescription medicine from my doctor – can I continue with my Nupo Diet?

It depends on what prescription medicine you are receiving.
Therefore, it is important that you consult your doctor about it, as a diet can influence a possible regulation of medicine.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Is it safe to exercise when you are on a Nupo Diet?

Yes, while using our Nupo Diet products it is safe to exercise. To achieve a more effective weight loss, it can be a good idea to combine Nupo with exercising. Some have experienced that their endurance might be lowered due to the low energy contents contained in a Nupo Diet.
If you want to learn more about our Nupo Diet, you can read more on our What Is Nupo Diet? page.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Can I replace a single meal with Nupo Diet?

Our Nupo Diet series is produced as a complete diet replacement, for those that want to kickstart their weight loss, where you don’t need anything else other than the 6 shakes daily.

If you want to replace a single meal with Nupo, we suggest that you try one of our One Meal products, which is bars or shakes that can be used to replace 1-2 of your meals daily. You can read more about our One Meal series here.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

One Meal

How many meals a day can I exchange with Nupo One Meal?

We recommend exchanging one of your daily main meals for weight control.
Exchange two of your daily main meals for weight loss.

Is it normal to get air in the stomach from One Meal?

Yes. Due to the high content of fiber, people who are not used to digest high amounts of fiber will experience air in the stomach for a period of time, until the body adapts to the high content of fiber.

Can I use Nupo One Meal with other Nupo products?

All One Meal products (Pancakes, Ready drink shakes, and bars) can be mixed and matched as you please.
We do not recommend combining Nupo Diet and Nupo One Meal due to the difference in nutritional content, and thereby ensuring that you get all necessary nutrition when using Nupo Diet.

You can combine all Slim Boost products with all One Meal products.

Is One Meal healthy?

Yes. One Meal has a nutritional composition that ensures that your body gets the best conditions for a healthy and happy lifestyle.

One Meal is rich in fiber and protein, packed with vitamins and minerals, and has low-calorie content, so you can enjoy your One Meal with a clear conscience.

Can I mix Nupo Diet and Nupo One Meal?

We do not recommend combining the two product lines, due to differences in nutritional values.
Nupo Diet is a full meal replacement whereas One Meal is a single meal replacement, and nutritional values are there for optimized to replace one or two main meals a day, and contains all the nutrition, i.e. Proteins, fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Even though the content of calories is approximately the same, if you exchange two sachets of Nupo Diet, with a One Meal product, the nutritional values are not the same, and when dieting, covering the basic needs for nutrition is highly important, to achieve the desired results.

Can I use One Meal as a snack?

You can use One Meal whenever it fits into your daily routine, but you should be aware that
One Meal is designed to replace one or two of your daily main meals and secures you all the nutrition needed in the main meal for only approx. 200 kcal.

In connection with diet, however, it is important to think about your daily calorie intake, and such you should be aware that adding One Meal as a snack or in-between meal, you will add approx. 200 kcal. to your daily calorie intake.

Can I use One Meal for training and exercise?

Absolutely! One Meal is packed with everything you need before or after exercise, to give your body the best conditions. One Meal is high in fiber and protein, packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need, and low in calories.

Are you looking for an even higher content of protein, but don’t want to compromise with the number of calories? Take a look at our Protein Bites

I get a severe amount of air in the stomach when I eat Nupo.

The Nupo Diet and the related sachets that must be consumed six times daily contain a lot of fibers and some might experience more air in their stomach. This is perfectly normal and is only a question of your body adapting.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Can I replace a single meal with Nupo Diet?

Our Nupo Diet series is produced as a complete diet replacement, for those that want to kickstart their weight loss, where you don’t need anything else other than the 6 shakes daily.

If you want to replace a single meal with Nupo, we suggest that you try one of our One Meal products, which is bars or shakes that can be used to replace 1-2 of your meals daily. You can read more about our One Meal series here.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Slim Boost

Good to know about Calorie Fighter!

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans. No allergens. No preservatives. No lactose, iodine, gluten, or cholesterol.

Calorie Fighter is made of natural ingredients and contains no raw material of animal origin. Minor variations in color and flavor have no impact on the effectiveness of the product.

Why does the sachet drink have a strange texture when made up?

The glucomannan in the product works by swelling and forming a jelly-like structure. This happens almost immediately and this is why the drink has a slightly gloopy texture if left without stirring.

If the drink is left and not drunk immediately it will quickly start to form a gel. Do not drink if this happens as this could pose a choking hazard.

I forgot to take Calorie Fighter before eating my meal – should I take it after I have eaten?

No, if you forgot to take Calorie Fighter do not worry. However, do not take it after your meal as this will reduce the efficacy of the Calorie Fighter and may cause an upset stomach.Just take it as recommended the next time you have a meal.

Who cannot use Calorie Fighter?

Under some circumstances, it is not recommended to use Calorie Fighter. Some examples of these circumstances are:

  • Do not use in case of allergy or intolerance to one of the compounds present in the formulation or to known sensitivity to herbal products.
  • Not suitable for persons with swallowing difficulties.
  • Not suitable for persons with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as acid reflux disease, gastritis, ventricular or duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis), presenting signs of intestinal obstruction (impending or existing mechanical or paralytic ileus), gastric bypass, gastroparesis in diabetics with neuropathy, intestinal polyps and existing severe digestive disorders.
  • Not suitable for persons with a medical history of constipation.
  • Not suitable for underweight persons (Body Mass Index- BMI<18.5).
  • Not suitable for babies, infants, or children. Adolescents should use Calorie Fighter only after consulting a doctor.

In case of doubt, ask a healthcare professional. Always remember to follow the information regarding the recommended daily dose and additional instructions on the packaging of a given product – as it varies from product to product.

Does Calorie Fighter have any side effects?

Persons taking Calorie Fighter may occasionally experience gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, dyspepsia, stomachaches, uncomfortable bloating, flatulence, abdominal discomfort or pain, heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

For how long can I use Calorie Fighter?

Calorie Fighter is suitable for long-term use and is recommended for up to 12 weeks, and as a part of an energy-restricted diet. The product increases the effect of an energy-restricted diet and physical activity. The rate and amount of weight loss are individual  – factors as age, health status, lifestyle, starting weight, and goal weight need to be taken into consideration. Medical devices – such as Slim Boost+ Calorie Fighter – cannot replace a varied diet and healthy lifestyle.

How do I use Calorie Fighter?

Calorie Fighter intended for the oral route. The sticks are for single use only. Calorie Fighter is intended to be used in obese adults (BMI≥ 30) or overweight adults (BMI ≥ 25).

Recommended intake quantity:

  • 1 stick three times a day (before breakfast, dinner, and lunch),
  • To be taken 15 minutes before each meal with one or two large glasses of water.

Drink immediately after the dispersion of the powder to avoid the thickening of the solution. Calorie Fighter is suitable for long-term use and recommended to be used up to 12 weeks depending on the need.

How does Calorie Fighter work?

Calorie Fighter is based on two main ingredients: glucomannan and chitosan.

Glucomannan – a natural, water-soluble dietary fiber from the Konjac plant. The fibers work in the stomach and intestines by absorbing liquids and transforming these into a thicker mass. When the stomach feels full, it will reduce the feeling of hunger and increase the feeling of satiation.

Chitosan – extracted from aspergillus niger (a type of mold) that attracts and binds fat from cholesterol in your diet – all happening in the stomach. This interaction helps to shape indigestible fat clusters that are too large to be absorbed by the body. This means that these clusters are not a part of the metabolic cycle, but are excreted undigested. Calorie Fighter binds up to 42% of the fat from the diet in the stomach.

What effect does Calorie Fighter have?

Calorie Fighter can contribute with:

  • an improvement in satiation and preventing overeating and cravings.
  • reducing the absorption of fat by up to 42%*.
  • reducing the availability of carbohydrates for absorption by up to 46%**.
  • lowering the total calorie intake with approx. 800 kcal per day***.

In vitro test 2015037/5/Fatbinding. ** In vitro test 2015037/9/Kioslim. *** Estimate based on a daily intake of 2200 kcal containing 50% carbohydrates, 35% fat, and 15% proteins.

What is Calorie Fighter developed for?

Calorie Fighter is developed as a supplement for weight loss or weight control in the treatment and prevention of overweight and obesity, in order to prevent diseases related to these kinds of health conditions.

Who can use Calorie Fighter?

Calorie Fighter can be used by all adults (18+) that either need to lose weight or maintain a healthy, normal weight. The product can be used as a part of an energy-restricted diet in a weight loss process, or as a natural part of a busy every day filled with temptations that can complicate the maintenance of one’s normal weight.

What does it mean that Calorie Fighter is a medical device?

A medical device is products that are used to diagnose, prevent, relieve or treat illnesses, handicap or injuries. Slim Boost+ Calorie Fighter is CE-approved, which verifies that the device is compliant with the standard for medical devices and that the product’s quality, safety, and performance are documented.

Calorie Fighter is regulated by Lægemiddelstyrelsen / Klasse IIb – and prescription is not required! ALWAYS read the leaflet thoroughly before using the product.

Does Slim Boost work? Here’s the documentation!

Does Slim Boost really work? If you are in doubt, we’ve publicized the documentation, made on the ingredients in our Slim Boost products. Here you can read the findings, and be assured that our products do not promise something, that has not been documented and validated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).





EFSA Yerba Mate_ID 3924

EFSA Yerba Mate_ID 2070

EFSA Cayenne pepper_ID 2006

SLIM BOOST+ Medical Device FAT FIGHTER (Clinical study)

Clinical Report on Essentially Similar Device – KiOnutrime-CsG® 500 mg Capsules (Slim Med)

SLIM BOOST+ Medical Device Calorie Fighter (Clinical study)

KioSlim in Innovations in Food Technology n72 August 2016

Trivedi et al Nutrition Journal 2016

Useful knowledge about Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter

A shortlist of thing that is good to know about Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter:

  • Suitable for diabetics.
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Made with natural ingredients.
  • No lactose, iodine, gluten, or cholesterol.
  • No flavor enhancers or preservatives.

Are there any side effects to Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter?

A temporary feeling of satiety can take place after taking Fat Fighter. This normally disappears after a short time. Overdosage or taking the product with insufficient quantities of water can lead to constipation. Persons with sensitive stomachs or bowels may occasionally experience disorders such as constipation, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. If the side effects continue, the dose should be reduced or intake should be discontinued.

How long can you take Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter?

Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter may be used for up to 90 days as a part of an energy-restricted diet. The product boosts the effect of an energy-restricted diet and physical activity. The speed and amount of a weight loss are individual, and factors such as age, health, lifestyle, starting weight, and weight loss goal need to be taken into consideration.

Medical devices, such as Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter, cannot replace a varied diet and healthy lifestyle.

Can I use Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter at the same time as other medicines?

The fat binding ability of Slim Boost+Fat Fighter can affect the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and active ingredients in the medicine. You should consult a doctor, before Slim Boost+Fat Fighter is used, if you are on prescription medicine, including the oral contraceptive pill. Do not use Slim Boost+Fat Fighter if using prescribed Warfarin (anticoagulant) or Valproate (anticonvulsive).

Who may NOT use Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter?

In some cases, it is recommended NOT to use Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter – for example:

  • Do not use Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter if using prescribed Warfarin (anticoagulant) or Valproate (anticonvulsive).
  • Do not use in case of allergy or intolerance to one of the materials present in the formulation.
  • Do not take Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter if you have inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. acid reflux disease, gastritis, ventricular or duodenal ulcers, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis), signs of intestinal obstruction (impending or existing mechanical or paralytic ileus), gastroparesis in diabetics with neuropathy, intestinal polyps and existing severe indigestion disorders (constipation).
  • Do not use if underweight (Body Mass Index (BMI) < 18.5).
  • Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding in order not to jeopardize the supply of important nutrients to the embryo or baby.
  • Not suitable for babies or infants.
  • Not suitable for children and adolescents.

Always remember to follow the information, regarding recommending daily dose and other instructions, on the package of the respective product, as it varies from product to product.

Are there any limitations to the usage of Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter?

Slim Boost+Fat Fighter may be used for up to 90 days as a part of an energy-restricted diet. Consult a medical practitioner before using this product if you are taking any prescription medication, including oral contraceptive pills. In the event of constipation or other side effects, you should immediately discontinue taking Slim Boost+Fat Fighter and consult a medical practitioner.

Can I combine Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter with Nupo’s other products?

You can combine Slim Boost+Fat Fighter with Nupo’s other product. Slim Boost+Fat Fighter can assist you in weight loss. To achieve a satisfying result, it is important that the products are a part of a healthy, varied and energy-restricted diet – preferably in combination with Nupo’s diet- and meal replacement products. Your opportunities for a successful and maintaining weight loss are increased if you implement physical activity.

Does Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter have any taste?

The Slim Boost+Fat Fighter capsules are made from vegetable sources and are completely neutral in taste.

When should I take Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter – and how many?

You can use Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter as a part of an energy-restricted, balanced, and varied diet.

  • Take 2 capsules 15 minutes before the main meal with a large glass of water
  • Take 2 capsules up to 3 times per day.

Always follow the information, regarding recommending daily dose and other instructions, on the package of the respective product.

Do not chew or bite through the capsules. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Overdoses of Fat Fighter do not improve the product’s effect but can promote potential side effects. If you miss a dose, do not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. Instead, just resume your usual schedule.

Who is Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter meant for?

Slim Boost+Fat Fighter is for every adult (18+) that needs to lose weight or maintain a healthy, normal weight. The product can be used as a part of an energy-restricted diet during a weight loss – or as a natural part of a busy, everyday filled with temptations that can prevent normal weight maintenance.

Is Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter tested?

The active ingredient in Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter is Lipomyl™, which fat binding capacity has been tested in ‘in Vitro studies in lab examinations at the University of Greenwich by a leading researcher in chemistry, Dr. Nichola Coleman. Besides, the active ingredient (chitosan) in Lipomyl™ is thoroughly assessed and approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which is the highest food safety agency in the EU.

Furthermore, has the World Health Organisation (WHO) also assessed and approved Lipomyl™. The CE-marking of Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter verifies that the device lives up to the legislation for medical devices, and its quality, safety, and performance are documented within the EU. Always follow the instructions on the respective product, for correct usage and optimal effect.

How does Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter work?

Slim Boost+Fat Fighter contains Lipomyl™ that naturally attracts and binds fat, as well as cholesterol, from the diet, in the stomach. This interaction shapes indigestible fat clusters that are too big for the body to absorb. This means that the fat, bound by the Lipomyl™, are not included in the metabolic cycle, and is excreted undigested. Slim Boost+Fat Fighter binds up to 60g of fat from the diet in the stomach – this is approx. 540 kcal.

What effect does Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter have?

Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter is a fat binding product for treatment and prevention of obesity/overweight, to prevent diseases related to overweight and body fat.

The product developed to:

  • … help in the treatment of obesity and overweight.
  • … help reduce the amount of fat gained from the diet.
  • … contribute to maintaining a normal cholesterol level.

What does it mean that Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter is a medical device?

Medical devices are products that are used to diagnose, prevent, mitigate, or treat diseases, handicaps, or injuries. Slim Boost+ Fat Fighter is CE-marked, which verifies that the device lives up to the legislation for medical devices, and its quality, safety, and performance are documented.

Who should not use Slim Boost?

All three SLIM BOOST products are dietary supplements that comply with the general law regarding dietary supplements. This means that the products should not be used by children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
In addition, the products must not replace a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle – and must always be stored out of reach of children.

Is Slim Boost safe to use?

Nupo SLIM BOOST consists of carefully selected ingredients from nature’s own sources. The ingredients and their effects are thoroughly evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which is the highest graded food safety agency in the EU and is by that, a seal of approval for the product. Always follow the instructions on the respective product to achieve the most optimal effect.


You can use SLIM BOOST at any time, as needed. Always follow the instructions regarding the recommended daily dose and any additional instructions on the packaging, there might be for that specific product.


Take 2 capsules approximately 30 minutes before a meal (max 6 capsules per day) along with plenty of water. REMEMBER! The beneficial effect is obtained through the daily consumption of 6 capsules (3g Glucomannan). Two capsules before each main meal and ALWAYS with plenty of water (at least 1-2 cups), to avoid clogging of the esophagus and the trachea. Specifically applies to people with dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Used in connection with an energy-reduced diet.


Take one capsule daily.

Can I use all Slim Boost products simultaneously?

Yes, it is safe to combine both SLIM BOOST products. But always follow the instructions regarding the recommended daily dose, and any additional instructions on the packaging there might be for that specific product, as it varies between each product.

Can I combine Slim Boost with other Nupo products?

Yes, you can combine SLIM BOOST with Nupo’s other products. SLIM BOOST is able to help with weight loss. However, to achieve satisfying results, it is important that the products are used in addition to a healthy, balanced, and calorie-filled diet – and ideally in a combination with either Nupo’s diet- or meal replacement products. Your chance to achieve a successful and persistent weight loss is increased if you in addition to that, are physically active.

For how long can I use Slim Boost?

Everyone has different needs and goals! We, therefore, suggest that you use SLIM BOOST as needed or when you achieve the desired effect.

SLIM BOOST increases the effect of an energy-reduced diet and physical activity. The speed and the amount of weight loss are individual – and factors such as age, state of health, lifestyle, starting weight and weight loss goal, should be taken into consideration. Supplements, such as SLIM BOOST are not able to replace a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Are there any side effects with Slim Boost?

We have carefully chosen active ingredients from nature’s own sources, that have a positive effect on you and your body. None of the ingredients are associated with side effects. If you are hypersensitive or allergic to one or more of the ingredients in SLIM BOOST or consuming any form of medicine, you should consult your doctor before taking the product in use.

BURN MY FAT contains caffeine. This means that this variant is not suitable for people who are caffeine-sensitive. SLIM BOOST is for that reason not recommended to children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Has Slim Boost been tested?

Yes! All ingredients in Nupo SLIM BOOST are carefully chosen active ingredients from nature’s own sources, that are based on the most up-to-date research, in the field of nutritional science. Each ingredient is specifically chosen based on its properties and functions in relation to weight loss, which have been proven by research and clinical studies. The ingredients complement each other and their effects are in addition to that, thoroughly evaluated by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which is the highest graded food safety agency in the EU and is by that, a seal of approval for the product. Always follow the instructions on the respective product to achieve the most optimal effect. SLIM BOOST is manufactured according to GMP and HACCP standards in modern production facilities in the EU.

Who can benefit from Slim Boost?

All adults (18+) that wish to lose weight or maintaining a healthy weight can benefit from SLIM BOOST. The products can be used as a part of a low-calorie diet, in connection with a weight loss program – or as a natural part of a busy everyday life filled with temptations that can obstruct normal weight loss maintenance.

I am vegan – can I use Slim Boost?

Yes. SLIM BOOST capsules and content are plant-based and vegan friendly.

Can I divide the Slim Boost capsules?

The capsules are intended to be swallowed as a whole. However, swallowing capsules are not for everybody, but don’t let that stop you.
The capsules are easily divided and the content can be poured on an egg or a spoonful of yogurt.
Avoid pouring into water, as the content will stick to the sides of the glass and go to waste.

Why should I use Slim Boost?

In a demanding daily life filled with temptations and lack of time to plan all meals, it can be tough to stick to your diet. We all know that feeling! Nupo SLIM BOOST dietary supplements offer three different types of “weight loss assistants” that with each their own special function, are tailored to control exactly your weak point in a weight loss program. Use one or all three SLIM BOOST products as needed so your weight loss does not get out of control when life and its daily temptations obstruct your weight loss.

What does Slim Boost contain?

Both SLIM BOOST variations are based on active ingredients from nature’s own sources. They fulfil the Ministry of Environment and Food Denmark’s high requirements and in addition to that also free from gluten, GMO and are also suitable for vegetarians since the contents and the capsules are of vegetal origin.


Three active ingredients for you who want to boost your weight loss, increase metabolism and wish fibres to fill your stomach.


Natural, water-soluble dietary fibres from the Konjac plant. The fibres work in your stomach and intestines by absorbing fluids and transforming them into a thicker mass. When the stomach feels full, it will reduce the feeling of hunger. Combined with an energy-reduced diet, Glucomannan contributes to weight loss*.


Known as “The Lemon of the North” which improves metabolism. Moreover, sea-buckthorn is naturally rich in Vitamin C, which contributes to normal energy metabolism, as well as the immune systems normal function.


Vital micronutrient that contributes to the maintenance of a normal blood sugar level by supporting the effect of insulin which regulates the body’s blood sugar.
*The beneficial effect is obtained through the daily consumption of 6 capsules (3g Glucomannan). Two capsules before each main meal and ALWAYS with plenty of water (at least 1-2 cups), to avoid clogging of the oesophagus and the trachea. Specifically applies to people with dysphagia (difficulty in swallowing). Used in the connection with an energy-reducing diet.


Six active ingredients for those who want to boost their weight loss course, increase fat metabolism and maintain normal energy metabolism.


A patented Sicilian extract from blood oranges. Morosil® is naturally rich in Vitamin C that contributes to normal energy metabolism, as well as the immune systems normal function.


Known as the herb “send from the gods” that produces caffeine. The Yerba Mate herb’s properties contribute to weight control and the breakdown of fat.


Part of the chilli pepper family. Contributes to weight control and helps you stay on track on your weight loss course.


Contributes to normal energy metabolism, the immune systems normal functions and in addition to that reduces fatigue and exhaustion.

*Contains caffeine (20 mg/daily dose). Not recommended for children or for those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

What is Slim Boost able to do?

SLIM BOOST consists of 2 different dietary supplements in the form of capsules that accommodate some of the common daily challenges, that you are guaranteed to encounter.

FILL MY TUMMY – fills up your stomach with the natural and water-soluble fiber; Glucomannan which has an outstanding ability to absorb water with up to 60 times its own volume. The greater the mass in the stomach also means the feeling of hunger decreases. To increase the effect of FILL MY TUMMY, we have added chromium which helps stabilize your blood sugar, so you will not be needlessly tempted by sugar.

BURN MY FAT – sets your fat metabolism in motion with the unique combination of the patented MOROSIL extract which is a natural extract from blood oranges, combined with the well-known green tea “yerba mate” which boosts the breakdown of adipose tissue (body fat). BURN MY FAT is topped with cayenne pepper and Vitamin B6 to reinforce the overall effect and boost the fat-burning process in inactive periods.


When will my order be shipped?

We work hard to get the products packed and shipped as quickly as possible. As soon as your order is shipped you will receive an email from us about your package being on the way.
In the mail, there will be a Track & Trace number to track your package.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

When can I expect to receive my order?

As soon as you receive your order confirmation by mail, we start to pack and dispatch your order. We work hard to make sure you receive your order as quickly as possible.
It usually takes between 3-6 workdays from when we receive your order until you receive your product.

When will you charge the money from my account?

We charge the money for your order when the order is dispatched from our warehouse.

Contact us at: if your question was not answered.

Return rights and refund – what should I do?

At we offer an extended return right; this means that from the day you receive your products and until 30 days after, you have full return rights on your order. We have to receive the products in their original packaging. We will not exchange your order for other Nupo products or flavor variants but instead, we refund your money (excluding shipping).

If you wish to return your order, please send it to the following:

Nordhøj 12,
4600 Køge

As soon as we receive your returned products, we start the refund process. The refund process might take up to 10 workdays, from the day you return your order.

The amount will be refunded to the credit card or debit card you used when you paid for the order.

Note that you, yourself is responsible for your return goods until they are confirmed received by Nupo ApS. We, therefore, suggest that you use a shipping service that insures the value of the goods that you return.

Contact us at if your question was not answered.

Can I change the order that I have previously made?

We are able to cancel your order if our warehouse did not initiate the packing of that same order.

If you have any questions, contact us at or call on +45 43 48 88 80.

I received the wrong product – what should I do?

Should it happen that you receive the wrong product or something is missing from your order, then contact us at