Katrine Memborg - Journalist and author

Katrine Memborg - Journalist and author

Since journalist and author Katrine Memborg became a mum, she struggled with her weight. So much so that she eventually didn't recognise herself physically or mentally.

After 12 weeks of willpower and determination, she got back the body she felt at home in.

She lost an impressive 18 kg during those 12 weeks.

Katrine, a journalist and author, has openly and honestly shared her experiences about her weight loss journey, and when she got pregnant the second time it was the same story all over again, however this time there was absolutely not doubt in her mind where to begin....

Of course she would use Nupo to get rid of the excess weight again .

Over 8 weeks on a combination of Nupo and regular food she lost an impressive 16 kg.

Katrine maintains her weight by supplementing her regular diet with Nupo products.

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