Your satisfaction and feedback are important to us. We look forward to assisting you!


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We really like every time we see our Nupo products on social media, and sometimes we may request to share these images/videos on our channels. The images are primarily published on the respective product page on our website to provide other customers with an insight into their real usage. In some cases, they may also be published on one of our other channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, newsletters, or in a store environment.

By responding to our request with the hashtag #yesnupo, you agree to the following:

You grant Nupo ApS a non-exclusive, royalty-free global license to use any images you have responded with #yesnupo, hereinafter referred to as "image," in their marketing and/or advertising, including in the gallery on the website, newsletters, social media, email, and other customer communications, store materials, and other marketing purposes.

By doing so, you certify and warrant that (i) you own all the rights to your images, (ii) you have obtained permission from all individuals appearing in your images to transfer the rights herein, and (iii) the use of your images by Nupo ApS will not infringe upon any third party's rights or violate any law.

By this release, you discharge Nupo ApS from any obligation to pay you for the use of your images and for the intellectual property rights associated with the aforementioned uses, thus releasing and agreeing to hold Nupo ApS and any individuals acting on behalf of Nupo ApS harmless from any claims, demands, or liabilities, of any kind, in connection with the use of the described images above.

You can always contact us regarding privacy and data protection questions by reaching out to us at:

If you wish to withdraw your consent to share your images with Nupo, you must contact us by clicking on the "i" icon in the bottom left corner of your shared image published on our website. The icon will link you to a form where you can submit your request to withdraw your consent.

Contact form