What is Slim Boost able to do?

SLIM BOOST consists of 2 different dietary supplements in the form of capsules that accommodate some of the common daily challenges, that you are guaranteed to encounter. FILL MY TUMMY – fills up your stomach with the natural and water-soluble fiber; Glucomannan which has an outstanding ability to absorb water with up to 60 times its own volume. The greater the mass in the stomach also means the feeling of hunger decreases. To increase the effect of FILL MY TUMMY, we have added chromium which helps stabilize your blood sugar, so you will not be needlessly tempted by sugar. BURN MY FAT - sets your fat metabolism in motion with the unique combination of the patented MOROSIL extract which is a natural extract from blood oranges, combined with the well-known green tea “yerba mate” which boosts the breakdown of adipose tissue (body fat). BURN MY FAT is topped with cayenne pepper and Vitamin B6 to reinforce the overall effect and boost the fat-burning process in inactive periods.
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